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Over the years of operating adventure tours in Costa Rica we have accumulated lots of great pictures of the local wildlife. In this section we are proud to show some images of the most fascinating creatures found in our small country. We've also included a general description of each animal and other interesting information.

Common name English Costa Rican name
Green and Black Poison Dart FrogRana venenosa
Strawberry Poison Dart FrogRanita roja
Amazon KingfisherMartin pescador amazonico
AnhingaPato aguja - Aninga
Bare-throated Tiger HeronGarza tigre
Black VultureZopilote negro - Zoncho
Blue-Crowned MotmotPajaro bobo
Blue-gray TanagerViuda - Viudita
Boat-billed HeronChocuaco
Brown PelicanPelicano
Cattle EgretGarcilla bueyera
Cherrie's TanagerSargento
Chestnut-mandibled ToucanTucan
Clay-colored RobinYiguirro
Collared AracariTucancillo Collarejo - Cusingo
Common Bush TanagerTangara de monte
Common PotooPajaro estaca
Crested CaracaraCaracara
Crested GuanPava crestada
Golden-hooded TanagerSiete colores
Gray HawkGavilan gris
Gray-headed ChachalacaChachalaca
Great CurassowPavon
Great KiskadeePecho amarillo
Hoffmann's WoodpeckerCarpintero de Hoffmann
Keel-billed toucanTucan pico arcoiris
Magnificent FrigatebirdTijereta del mar
Montezuma OropendulaOropendola
Northern JacanaJacana
OspreyAguila pescadora
Red-legged HoneycreeperMielero patirrojo
Resplendent QuetzalQuetzal
Ringed KingfisherMartin pescador collajero
Roadside HawkGavilan chapulinero
Roseate SpoonbillEspatula rosada
Rufus-tailed HummingbirdAmazilia rabirrufa
Scarlet MacawLapa roja
Snowy EgretGarceta nivosa